STEP 1: Go to the website for Associated Students
STEP 2: Press “Pay Your Membership Dues and Fees for your Club or Org”
Fill out the information required:
Amount, your name, and student email.
Club/Organization: Accounting Association (leave Agency Code blank.)
Important that the contact email is your student email (ends with
STEP 3: Select continue to proceed with membership payment. The membership fee is $25.
(After the payment, you will receive a confirmation email that must be forwarded to to receive the membership drive form)
Note: Please wait around 24 hours to receive the membership form!
STEP 4: Steps to join can be found at the top and bottom of the website page and social media (e.g. Instagram).
Member will get form after the Membership team confirms their $25 payment.
Join the Accounting Association on Matasync! This helps the organization track your membership. The video will guide you how to join!